Management Consulting Firm

Our Work

Ethics Review Board Change Management Design
Change Management Design
The New Orleans Ethics Review Board (ERB) was seeking support in enhancing the culture of ethics in city government and in related agencies. TCCG and its partner firm performed a detailed study of the city's ethics training practices and policies, as well as conducted extensive outreach to government leaders and staff to determine their training needs. The result of the project was a comprehensive change management plan to strengthen the ethical culture in municipal government, which the ERB began to implement the following quarter.

City of Houston, TX
Ten-Year Financial Plan
Ten-Year Financial Plan
The City of Houston was looking to create a ten-year strategic plan for managing its multi-billion dollar annual operating budget. TCCG worked as part of a consulting team that engaged with City leaders and performed a detailed analysis of the City's operations and allocations; the team also conducted extensive research on operational best practices in other large cities across the country. The result of the project was a comprehensive plan that would support Houston in ensuring its long-term fiscal sustainability and economic growth.

NOEEN Nonprofit
Board Governance
Board Governance
The New Orleans Early Education Network (NOEEN) sought to develop a clear picture of the organization's opportunities and challenges and to revise their bylaws to better position the organization to thrive within an evolving educational landscape. TCCG conducted a series of focus groups with NOEEN's leadership and developed a set of recommendations which the group used to inform changes to their policies and procedures. TCCG also facilitated the updating of the organization's bylaws which enhanced representation on their steering committee and improved the overall effectiveness of the organization's governance.
SWBNO Utility
Workforce Model Review

Workforce Model Review
SWBNO (the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans) was seeking to gain a deeper understanding of its workforce model and related processes. TCCG is currently working with a partner consulting firm to perform an in-depth analysis of the utility's structure, policies, and procedures to identify ways that SWBNO can enhance the impact of its workforce and strengthen its overall effectiveness.